Georgie Redman, an 18 year old woman from the U.K, is incredibly picky. Like many teens, she has an aversion to fruits and vegetables and had been so for the past 13 years, Redman has susbsisted on a diet solely of instant ramen packets,  coDolapo Mg 30meals worth of the starchy noodles annually.

Doctors suspect Redman possesses a selective eating disorder, since the mere thought of other foods touching her plate makes her “freak out”, she says. Because of her aversion, she claims she is unable to dine out with friends. Doctors say Redman has the poor health of an 80 year old woman.

        Eating junk food increases the risk of becoming depressed, a study has found out, prompting calls for doctors to routinely give dietary advice to patients as part of their treatment for depression.
In contrast, those who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet are much less likely to develop depression because the fish, fruit, nuts and vegetables that diet involves help protect against Britain’s commonest mental health problem, the research suggests.

        The dark side of junk food is not an unknown fact. Several researches and  studies have shown that fast foods and processed foods have increased childhood obesity, heart disease and diabetes and other chronic disease.
Recently, the Delhi Government demanded a crackdown on junk food that is sold in schools and within 50 meters of them. Not only do they add to your waistline, but scientists and researchers have also indicated through various studies that junk food can actually cause serious damage to your brain. The worrying bit is that, it’s not just years of poor eating, but regular consumption of junk food even for few days can lead to a mental breakdown.

The more junk you consume, the less likely you are to consume the essential nutrients that your body relies on. You know that junk food can hurt your health and affect your brain:

1) It can cause memory and learning problems
   A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011 showed that healthy people who ate junk food for only 5 days performed poorly on cognitive tests that measured attention, speed, and mood. It concluded that eating junk food for just five days regularly can deteriorate your memory. This probably stems from the fact that a poor or toxic diet can cause certain chemical reaction that lead to inflammation in the hippocampus area of the brain which is associated with memory and special recognition.

2) Lessens its ability to control appetite
      Excess consumption of trans fats found in fried and processed foods can send mixed signals to the brain which makes it difficult to process what you have eaten and how hungry are. This is probably why you end up overeating. Healthy brain functions require a daily dose of essential fatty acids like omega-6 and omega-3. Deficiency of these two elements increases the risk of attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder and other brain related problems.
  Over consumption of junk food may displace these with trans fats which are harder to worst case scenarios, the habit of overeating can be similar to drug addiction to an extent that relying on junk foods may activate the pleasure centers of the brain greater than receiving drugs.

  Eating junk food is not entirely bad but eating junk food on a regular basis can lead to an increased risk of obesity and chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers.

     However, some junks can be healthy. The ingredients of junk food contain nutrients which help in fighting against seasonal diseases as well. For example PIZZA. Pizza contains some ingredients such as cheese, tomato sauce, vegetables, meat and whole wheat or part whole wheat crust which has a very high nutritional value.


 Asemo Dolapo
 Mass Communication Department
Student of Babcock
