Ending Corruption In Nigeria

 Nigeria has gotten deep rooted in corruption. It started gradually, practiced by few but now it is becoming everybody's game. If you are not corrupt in Nigeria today, the corrupt minded people look at you as if there is something wrong with you.

 Today, corruption is a descriptive word for our dear country Nigeria. Corruption sets into play through various ways.
   Since Nigeria became independent, the citizens were given right to rule themselves. The opportunity to corrupt themselves with the wealth of the country entered into the minds of some of our leaders and now it seems we are fighting a lost battle trying to end it.

The agricultural sector in Nigeria has not been able to meet its potential because of the way those in power have been sucking it. First, in 1976 Operation feed the nation was introduced to help build the nation economy but due to certain policy at that time it did not achieve its purpose but some people were enriched at its expense.

Wherever you go in Nigeria today you will at least meet with one corrupt individual who is not ashame of his corrupt mindset. You see them on the Streets,, Schools, hospitals, Security Agencies, even the churches are not exempted. You meet people on the streets everyday who cannot do anything for you except you grease the palms, even if that thing is your sole right, you must part with your money before you get it.

In the Universities nowadays, it's the rich students who enjoy while the average students suffer different penalties because he can't meet up with the demands of corruption around him. In other word with cash in your hand, you can bail yourself out of any type of mess.

The economy of Nigeria has suffered tremendous downfall due to corrupt leaders. Politicians come with different Campaign slogans and promises but when they get to office the wind of corruption carried them away or the web of corruption wrapped up their senses and made them see nothing more than to embezzle the tax payers money. And these people walk our streets freely without being persecuted by the law because Immunity protects them.
In 2001, Nigeria was ranked as the second most corrupt nation in the world behind Bangladesh by a survey conducted by Transparency International. There after, Nigeria still top the corruption charts yearly.
It is time to end corruption if Nigeria must move forward. Everything that has beginning must have an ending. The act of corruption started a long time ago and something needs to be done to put an end to it. Enough is enough.

Why should people get away with basically everything? Even those who are making the Laws are the very people breaking it most. Those that are supposed to apprehend criminals are now working hand in hand with them.

The issue of corruption in schools is between the lecturers and students. Students seek for easy marks in cash or in kind. Students who font have cash to pay buys with their "body" it's that bad in our institutions today. Even the primary and secondary schools' teachers seek for the generosity of the parents of their pupils/ students before a child can pass an examination. Corruption won't let us know the serious students any more.

During his campaign days, fighting Corruption was one of President Muhammadu Buhari's promises, but now this is his second term in office and there is no solid notable activity in regards to that.
 Government should see the corruption fight as "a do or die" affair and put it's feet down on it and make sure it is completely wipe out from the root. And only then would Nigeria be safe for all of us and really deserve the title "Giant of Africa"

Therefore as citizens of Nigeria let’s us come together and renew our National Pledge and serve Nigeria with all our minds, stopping every act of corruption individually. For a day will come when each and everyone of us will give account of all our activities under the sun.
Lets Say No To Corruption

Emesahwo Oghenerukevwe.
 Dept of mass communication.
Babcock University. Ilishan-Remo.
