Depression And How to deal with it in Nigeria

Depression is a serious mental health disorder characterized by a lasting despondent mood or loss of interest in activity which can lead to suicidal thoughts in the victim.

 This mental health is a state of one’s psychology and mind seen as not so important but really needs to be addressed in Nigeria. With research made, there are a lot of factors that contribute to the increase in depression and suicide in Nigeria, ranges from environmental factors to economy, family issues, social factors, drugs, relationship issues, postgraduate depression which could be unemployment cases an so much more.

Politically, the economic shenanigans is nothing to write home about, it plays a major role in affecting our mental health, in situations where there are no jobs, wages are not enough for feeding and we try to balance living a normal life in the country with hardship in the air, it leads to an increase in personality disorder, some get suicidal thoughts, some are brave enough to see a professional on the issue.

There are different symptoms of depression, most times it needs to be diagnosed by professional but in cases you can’t reach one on time , one of the main symptoms of depressive disorder is Anhedonia- that’s the loss of interest in formerly pleasurable or enjoyable activities, early weakening and low mood most times in the day, loss of appetite, they withdraw from social interactions and become anti-social, chronic mood swings, constant outburst of anger.
The attitude needs to be improved upon because there is a lot of stigma attached to people with mental illness which makes victims restrain from voicing out on issues disturbing them, in the general populace a person with mental health or he who visits a psychiatric hospital is mostly considered mad.

Assisting a depressed person is not something easy, first thing to do is advice the person to see a psychiatrist or counselor, the government and health organization can assist by organizing campaigns to create more awareness on mental health and personality disorders, they should have sections where they can always be welcomed for visiting, examine yourself on issues disturbing you, when you feel you or a person around has lost their sense of belonging in the environment, regular checkup should be advised. TALK TO A PROFESIONAL TODAY, it is never too late.

