Nigeria is popularly referred to as the ‘Giant of Africa’ having attained fifty-nine years of independence from the British government. The purpose of attaining this independence was to develop Nigeria as a country for the better living of its citizens. Yet, there is not much change in the country.
      After the colonial era ended in Nigeria, people chose representatives to lead them and this was achieved by doing election in which the candidate with majority votes will govern. During this period of election, these candidates make a lot of promises which remains unfulfilled, the moment they enter office because their focus is no longer serving the people right but to make their own pockets fatter through embezzlement, looting etc. Some even get involved in electoral malpractice by stealing ballot boxes, using thuggery as a means of violence during election and bribery. Now, the government is no longer for the people but for corruption, this immoral act has been in time of our past leaders like General Sani Abacha who ruled in the military regime of 1943 to 1998 and was known for embezzling government funds, bad governance and injustice on innocent citizens e.g. the Nigerian activist, Ken Saro-wiwa who was hanged in 1995 for fighting for the rights of the Ogoni. 
    Moreover, the youths in the country have no hope of being employed after graduating from the university, as most work organizations and even the government itself is being occupied by overaged people who are supposed to be retired. Later, we all chant that the youths are the leaders of tomorrow, when we ourselves do not cooperate to implement it. Youths are not adequately being empowered by the government who are supposed to serve as good example, in working together to develop Nigeria. They are not being motivated by their leaders to fight corruption but instead to breed it, as some of them in the strive of finding a source of livelihood, turn to crime as a means of survival. Whereas, a lot of lives, properties and even national security are at stake. Most of them get themselves involved in crimes like armed robbery, kidnapping, fraud etc, thereby increasing the rate of criminal activities in the country. Public funds are no used to finance the important sectors of the economy or even develop the country by building schools, hospitals or healthcare centers, providing adequate electricity, better roads and so on, these monies are used to finance their own expenses and the government will not pay the salaries of civil servants. And if all these are not worked on and balanced by the right people who should be in government, we will all be living in a country which is damned to end in ruins.

   However, instead of following in the footsteps of our past leaders, we can all make this right by voting in Leaders who put the country and its well-being before his own. Leaders who have the vision of a better Nigeria and is on a mission to work on that vision that will benefit the entire nation. Leaders who will be steadfast in eradicating corruption and its vices and be dedicated in serving and leading the people right by being accountable and transparent in all his doings. Leaders who are people of integrity and are wise in making the right decisions for the country and using government funds effectively to improve various sectors of the economy e.g.  buiding schools, hospitals, bridges, funding youth empowerment programs that will help enlighten and train the youths in preferred career choice in life and good leadership skill, even vocational trainings e.g. carpentry, tailoring, etc. Leaders that do not support injustice and practice the rule of law which states that no one is above the law, regardless of your position in the society. Hence, leaders that will be more of a human right activist who will fight for the people and will set good examples for the younger generations to emulate and pass on to their own.

     In conclusion, Nigeria can achieve all these, if only we all worker together regardless of our differences in tribe, culture and beliefs. In order to curb our corruption, bribery and injustice from our roots as to stabilize the country. Only then can Nigeria be proud to celebrate her independence.
