Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal and social equality of the sexes.
Some of the Myths and Facts of feminism include:
Myth: Feminism is about fighting men, hating men and eliminating men
Fact: Feminism is about challenging systemic inequalities and does not portray men as the enemy.
Myth: Feminism is the female equivalent of Chauvinist.
Fact: Feminism does not support sexism against either gender. Feminism works towards equality, not female superiority.
Myth: Feminists are opposed to marriage and motherhood
Fact: Feminists actively fight for the rights of mothers, and many feminist are married and are mothers. Feminists recognize that happy families are important and believe that families are strengthened when the well-being of all members, male and female, are supported.
Myth: Only women can be feminists
Fact: Any person who believes in gender equality is a feminist. Many men are feminists and are proud to be so
Myth: To be a real feminist, a woman cannot be feminine or demure.
Fact: Feminism is found in the substance of a person’s opinion and not her form. A woman’s love for nice dresses or high-heeled shoes does not make her less of a feminist.
Feminism is not the hatred towards men. The point of feminism is not to discriminate against men. Feminism is not a movement plotting to pull all men out of prayer. Feminism is not a movement to promote women superiority. Feminism is for everyone.
Many are turned off by the term “Feminism”. The definition of Feminism is very simple: equal opportunity for women and have intellectual equals to men. Just because a person does not feel first-hand the unequal opportunity of women, this does not mean the movement should not exist.
A lot of women have expressed that they do not “need2 Feminism because they are not “man-haters” or “lesbians”. It is actually so saddening, because men and women are so ill-informed because they believe that is what feminism means. They probably have been around people who claim to be feminists but use the movement to promote their misandry.
Some Nigerian women in the public eye who are proud feminists include: Olaoluwa Abagun, Oyinkansola Abayomi, Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Sandra Aguebor, and Nwando Achebe.
Matt McGorry, one of the most prominent male celebrities in the support of equal opportunity, posts frequently to his half a million followers on twitter about this passion: why feminism matters. Matt McGorry has been an inspiration to many of his fans, showing and educating others on the true meaning of feminism.
Finally, Feminists understand that equal rights translate into equal responsibility. Anyone who seeks rights must be held to the responsibilities that come with these rights.

