The ban on food importation into Nigeria is no longer news; what may be news, however, is the controversy the move by the Presidency has generated, a decision which has been rejected by many people in the country.In addition, President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the Central Bank of Nigeria to block food importers’ requests for foreign currency in a bid to boost local agriculture in Africa’s most populous country. 

This position and policy continued when on the assumption of office in 2015, the President banned the use of foreign exchange to import dozens of consumable items including but not limited to the most consumed food by the common man in Nigeria, rice. The first reason for the restriction and ban on food importation is that, Nigeria as a country has depended on imported products over the years without being self-reliant on food production; secondly, whether consumable food or not,over dependence on importation has and still continues to affect the country economic stability,as a result, Nigeria is not able to produce basic essential products on her own, hence the need for this policy.

As of 2019, the estimated population of Nigeria is over 200.96 million, ranking 7th in the world, with the annual growth rate of 2.54%. On top of this, Nigeria is endowed with enormous mineral and natural resources with vast land mass space adjudged to be the most fertile and suitable for agriculture.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the agricultural sector has experienced years of neglect as Nigeria has spent decades relying on oil to provide needed foreign exchange and government revenues.As a result of what has been said, Nigeria has abandoned and jettisoned the aspect of providing adequate infrastructure, machines and equipment to be able to increase her production level as a nation. Regardless of the aforesaid, the demand for rice consumption is high among the Nigerian populace, particularly as the festive period is fast approaching irrespective of their region or culture. 

The Muhamadu Buhari administration, to say the least, in my humble opinion means well for the Nigerian economic development and growth because it tries to encourage domestic production of food such as rice and other products. What is worrisome however about the policy on ban, which has been criticized in many fronts is that, the policy does not take the low capacity of local farmers into consideration because Nigeria does produce the basic food commodities but has not been able to singlehandedly satisfy and meet the demand of the country, hence the need for import.

    In addition to the preceding position is the fact that the policy has brought about inflation in prices of foodstuffs and all other essential commodities, because no adequate alternatives were made before the ban was implemented.However,it is suffices to argue that this present government has come to the realization that if the country continues to import rather than export,Nigeria will run a trade deficit and the country will not be able to create more jobs and increase wages due to the statistics been carried out that export rather than import builds a nation’s economic output as measured by Gross Domestic Product. 

We also will see that by the policy of the ban placed on the import of good the government will lose the tariffs attracted to this situation which is making people see from a new perspective that if the government is willing to take the risk of losing the revenue accruing from importation,perhaps, the policy will really be implemented and help Nigeria economically as a nation.

 Although figures according to United Nation’s food and Agriculture Organization has made us to see that domestic production, particularly rice production has increased from an annual average of 7.1 million tonnes between 2013 and 2017 to 8.9 million tonnes in 2018, however there are some reports that rice smuggling has increased as custom officials continue to confiscate large quantities of rice at the borders and this only implies that the Nigerian farmers will now have to increase domestic production the more and production of other necessities of the country like making of cloth, putting more efforts in the planting of cotton, making of simple house use appliances so that our import rate will not override the export rate.

The question and concern of some people is that, will Nigerians survive and meet up their daily needsas a result of this policy which have been implemented?My humble submission and response to the question is in the affirmative; reason being that other advanced economies and great countries in the world have also placed ban on things higher than the situation Nigeriais currently experiencing,and such countries are still surviving. Take China for example in 2017, when it decided and announced that it will no longer recycle the world’s old plastic bottles, cardboard boxes and so on. It triggered a global trash crisis because the trash had to go somewhere, the search for new refuse dumps is still ongoing. “It was a huge shock for the global recyclingindustry,”said Arnaud Brunet of the Brussels-based Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) and in months after China’s decision, Malaysia tripled its imports of plastic waste.

 Idris Ayinde, an Agricultural economist also commented on the issue of ban on food importation to Nigeria to the effect that:“restricting food imports should be a gradual process since the country cannot yet meet domestic demand for most food commodities, and the policy risks increasing food prices inflation further.”The response from the Presidency to Ayinde’s view is that the Buhari’s government focuseson his campaign promises on agriculture and the betterment of the country.

In conclusion,it is submitted that the implementation of theban on food importation policy seems not to down too well with many Nigerians, it is suggested that Nigerians should give space to the government and benefit of a doubt and help to stop smuggling illegal items into the Nigerian border.It is rather a noble course if we should think of good business ideas or solution to come up with that will help the improvement of Nigeria domestic production and encourage the farmers rather than complaining about them and the food items they produce to help ourselves rise together.


OsemudiameBusayo Pius
Department of Mass Communication,
200 level Student, Babcock University,
Ogun State, Nigeria.
