Mother Africa Weeps

Yes Mama Africa has been weeping ever since Nigeria her supposed Giant son fell down and became a cripple.
She is now called "Shithole" because her children are still enslaved in every letter of the word even when slave trade is said to have stopped long ago.

 Everything has been taken from them even their dignity. Her first Son- Nigeria and the children are treated like scum wherever they go. Here is one son the World love to hate.

Why? Their strength has no limit, and they are too populous-that means there is no place on planet earth that you will not see a Nigerian. They excel even in negativity and this also attracts negative attention to them.
Many have chosen to ignore their good works because they see Nigerians as force to be reckoned with. Can this be called jealousy? Yes because jealousy is the root of hatred.
Something else brought us hatred- Our corrupt leaders and their flamboyant life styles, parading round the world showing that they don't give a hoot about problems of Nigerians except their own family.
They grounded the Economy to zero and still continue with their expensive spending. Amends the Constitution every time to suit their tenure and to back up their silly policies which are not helping at all but rather bring untold hardship to the citizenry. Its a pity but Nigerians leaders are 'die-hards' and very bad examples.

Someone will seek for a political office today looking very humble and normal but only to assume power and become intoxicated by it.
He forgets his promises so soon leaving us with bad roads, poor infrastructures, failed health system ( they are all treated abroad even for flu), faulty educational system, deflated Naira, poor economy and very pathetic security.

And the whole world knows about these deficiencies in Nigeria, thanks to internet which has turn the world to a global village, our deficiencies cannot be hidden anymore.

We are envied because of our natural resources and excellent spirit and especially because w e don't make our Nation great with what we have instead we steal it and hide it in the countries of our haters, they make better use of it and hate us the more for it. We are seen as bad children of evil parents.

Hmmm, but travel we must, others come to work in Nigeria and we are at the peak of our hospitality to make them comfortable. Our pastures were greener but we turned it to brownish grey. And that's why everybody is saying, "if our country is good, our people wouldn't be travelling out''.

Is it just about that Mama Africa? What if our economy is perfect? Would they regard us as humans and see our lives as sacred? Have we become animals to be killed anyhow? Even in our own country are we safe?
South Africans have the effrontery to raise their weapons on Nigerians? Don't they have Law against crimes in their country? Do they have government at all?
There was a time Nigeria was the second home for Ghanaians but Nigerians didn't kill them to send them away. We used diplomacy.

The South Africans Police supports the killings of foreigners in their country, surely they are different specie of human beings. They burnt humans while others stood and watched. Fellow humans being killed in such violent and barbaric manner, they is something wrong with South Africans. Blacks killing blacks? Hey! they whole place needs spiritual cleansing, this action can never be explained logically. Their heads needs to be examined.

Reprisal attack? That was to be expected. You can't push anyone round and round all the time, one day you will push him to the wall and the reaction might shock you. Out on the streets Nigerians protested, trying to make South Africans feel that Africaness can be removed from their DNA too, a Nigeria Police Officer misfired his gun, very pathetic.
 Nigerians were being killed in South Africa and South African Police turned their backs on them and justified their killings but a Nigerians police officers felt bad for properties being burnt, shops being looted - (properties of people who have no regards for human lives?) Very patriotic of the Nigeria Police Officer.

They kill our people, we burnt down their businesses for the first time after tolerating them for too long. I hate violence crime and wickedness just as I hate nonsense. Enough is enough.

If this reprisal attack will send a message to South Africans, and so be it. If they need that to reset their brain-good for them. They killed Nigerians and set fire to their businesses and here we are screaming blue murder because south Africans businesses were touched.

Let their High Commissioner be sent back to their country and our own be recalled.
Let Nigeria government cut every diplomatic ties with South Africa since they have proved that they do not deserve to be called brothers.

Let's call a spade a spade, and stop this our "Suffering and Smiling" attitude that we are known for.
Mother Africa, weep no more for Nigeria.
Wake up Fatherland!
Enough is Enough!!!!
