End of the road

For those disgusting criminals who think they can commit crime, run and hide forever, hmmm sha, not when The Army, Airforce, Police Force and DSS come together and formed a Team. Killing an officer and a big one at that is signing your death warrant. Don't even think about it.

Today all 15 suspects involved in the gruesome murder of Late General Alex Badeh- Former Chief Of Defence Staff- CDS, were paraded in Nasarawa State.
They were paraded by the Joint Panel of Investigation comprising of The Army, Airforce, Police, and DSS.
 The head of the Investigation Panel Major General Shafa Paraded the Suspects before the Press In Abuja. And he said the killing of the former Chief of Defence Staff was purely criminal and has no link politically has was speculated at some quarters.
He assured all that he will not rest other fleeing suspects are brought to book as the arrested ones will soon find themselves in court.
