Let's Celebrate Our Grand Detective

   Nigeria as a country has a culture of celebrating their heroes when they are late. Some children  abandoned their parents when they are alive but  make sure  they give them befitting burials and remember their deaths with Thanksgiving/Remembrance Ceremonies in churches and other places. (For some it has become a yearly affair like the Armed Forces Remembrance Day). But what's that? Dead men don't bite you know. Let's celebrate our heroes and stop waiting until they die and call them Fallen Heroes.

In this Era of Awards, let's give the Award for excellence, for gallantry, for integrity and honour to those who deserve it and not to those who can buy it..
There is a Nigerian police officer who deserves award from every sector of our society because without adequate security, we would all lived in fear.
This officer has shown Nigerians that there is still hope in the Nigeria Police Force. He has shown all and sundry including his colleagues that there is reward in hard work and selfless service. That you don't need to lobby or bribe  your way to promotion if you are diligent and love your work.
Yes, he is one officer that has brought back lost  hope, lost glory and confidence to the Nigeria Police Force. And this officer is DCP Abba Kyari, the Head of IGP-IRT-( Intelligence Response Team). Abba Kyari is bold, strong and reliable.

We have been following him right from his   days as Officer-In -Charge of SARS in Lagos (that was when SARS officers served with respect and integrity and was accorded same). We know how he traced kidnappers from Lagos to Sokoto, rescued the victims and brought the criminals back to Lagos dead or alive. We know how he tracked car snatchers and Bank robbers to their various hideouts and brought them out for Justice. He caught Vampire, he caught Yellow, he has gotten so many of them including their most wanted Chief Executive Officer of Kidnappers-Evans who is now learning different sleeping positions in Kirikiri Maximum Prisons, no more Waterbed.

He has done it again and again. He has  proved to Nigerians that the Nigerian Police can be trusted again by bringing the kidnappers of the Chibok's girls to book and giving their sponsors insomnia.
He has shown Nigerians that the Nigeria Police Force is not synonymous to Bribery and Corruption, that other Security Agencies too are neck dipped in corruption and are also blessed with lazy officers who think the only way they can make it to the top, is to take bribe and bribe their way to promotion too.

Where others  manipulate and buy promotions he gets promoted by his gallant performance and mind blowing achievements. If it was possible for the society to influence the promotion in the Agencies, by now Nigerians know whom they would promote, those they  would demote and those they would have sent home long ago......
Nigerians are happy that  criminals are not escaping forever again because Abba Kyati has become their nemesis.

It was in the Era of  Dogo-dogo, the one-eye harden Armed robber who terrorized the southwest for more than a decade, that this officer announced himself. This was one robber who took the killings of policemen as a hobby. He boasted about his charms and powers. He swore he would killed at least fifty police officers any time they come for him. He bragged that he was more dreadful than his extinct role models-Anini and Shina Rambo put together but Abba Kyari caught him and he couldn't do more than a dead rat. His criminal activities and career ended six years ago.

Evans, the greatest, most dreaded and most sophisticated kidnapper, built Empires and
lived in affluence without being caught for years. He ruled the crime world like a god and made nonsense of Security intelligence, he thought he was invincible but Abba Kyari took up his case and the myth was broken- Evans was not a demi-god but a common criminal.

Collins Ezenwa (alias) E-Money, a dismissed police officer, thought he would be more celebrated in his chosen career (Crime), than in the one life threw at him (police job). He lived in heinous mistake because CRIME does not pay but criminals pay with their lives. He died in a gun duel with the police last year in Imo State. Thirteen buildings, ten cars, two tippers, a trailer truck, three AK-47 Riffles were recovered from him.
And Vera Crimes was informed that, 100Million Naira in his Bank account has been frozen by Court's Order.The kidnapper had been terrorizing Imo, Abia, Enugu and Rivers States for a long time.
The IGP-IRT's officials under the leadership of Abba Kyari have been very conscientious in their operations, and have their own share of pains, as many of them have lost their lives to criminals. We really appreciate this TEAM.
A kidnapper's wife with no conscience nor shame has decided to scandalize and tarnish the image of the IRT.
If she should consider the traumatic experience and heart wrenching torment that her husband subjected his victims to, by now she should be in Mountain of Fire & Miracles- Prayer City, praying to God to have mercy on her departed husband's soul and to deliver her from the evil consequences of enjoying his ill gotten wealth.

VERA Crimes' Blog celebrates this officer.
The Uncommon Police Officer, the Policeman of Policemen, the Anaconda of Nigeria Police Force, the Super cop, the Grand Detective.
He is our "Officer @ the top". The Crime Buster of our time. The Man himself, not a fictitious character in novels or movies with stunts backups. He is DCP Abba Kyari, officer of the Nigeria Police Force, who has become the image maker of the Police.

Please sir, help us to teach those officers who are still collecting #50  at streets corners what it takes to be an Abba Kyari. Remind them to stop doing dirty jobs  and see the profession as a noble one that it is and serve with integrity.

God bless Abba Kyari
God bless the Nigeria Police Force
God bless Nigeria.
