Its very okay reporting crime and not dabbling into the murky waters of politics but as someone said the other day; politics got a lot to do with crime....Hmmm, in what way?

You can answer that for me you know, the reality of that statement is a bit scary to me. Mind you, we are talking Nigeria politics here because in other climes its not reffered to as "a dirty game" and they don't play dirty but we do.
So what is scary about the "dirty" Game?
What  is your take?
The "way" it is played in Nigeria: Yes, it has to do with the way politicians go about making false promises, the way they do as if it is a do or die kind of thing.
A game was supposed to have a winner anytime it is played but I can't fathom why all the contestants in this particular game want to become winners. Ah, na wa oo oo!!!
And another thing about our players is that they always portray themselves as frustrated and desperate patronising herbalists and Voodooists   who will command ghosts voters to vote for them and I heard some of these herbalists can make demands that shakes the world but trust our politicians, they don't care, anything that makes them win, is welcome.
Such demands can be sleeping with your daughter or mother. It could be burying live cows in every local government areas in your state if you aspire to be a governor. Well,  those are nothing compare to burying fresh human heads or dancing naked in a cemetery at night in the bid to win an election.
Hmmmmm, these Babalawos sorry herbalists can be so mean and funny at times. Imagine telling a politician who is well learned o, a graduate of Toronto or any of those foreign varsities to sleep with a corpse or a mad woman so as to win a an election? And most time these witchdoctors are paid in hard currencies. If I were a Mamalawo.(God forbids).........hmm, they would hear nwi.
Sometime houses are being promised these traditionalists. He will have to get his money back when he gets to the office and you will shout corruption until your salivary gland dries up. Thats the game.

What about the Godfather syndrome? Wooooo!!!!! This aspect of the game is as beautiful as dinning with witches/wizards and wining with vampires. Just have faith in your godfather and Aso Rock is your limit, the godfathers can actually turn water to wine. You could be announced as a winner in an election that you didnt even vote for your self. That's the power of godfatherism-  Election  make easy. But you could become an ATM machine when you get into the office and make sure you are never "temporary out of service". If you fail, your political destiny is buried, you are impeached, recalled and thrown out of office. The lesson is a political godson who wants to remain relevant must be submissive, Chikena!!!!

This game! This game!! This game is such that oppositions are regarded as bloodsucking demons, enemies from the pit of Hell. So much so that if a blood relation happens to be in the other party, he is rated x and could be demolished anytime. Houses get burnt, accidents, and kidnapping happen to get opposition off the way. So the realization of these send the politicians back to the hands of fake men of God and herbalists, this time for fortification. And you will also need bodyguards and bouncers, police escort and thugs, yes especially thugs. You need them for your protection, yes and you need money for all these expenses too.

People must see you as very rich so you must convince them,. That means you must go  borrowing money from left right and centre. From family, friends, wherever or run to your godfather for rescue. Relax, you will pay back when you get to the office, its as simple as that, the ball is in your court, play that game.

Hehehe!!!!!! Opposition is something else in this game, because while one is investigating the other WAEC 's result, his JAMB result or NYSC certificate is being investigated too by another, its not funny oooo. Your past must be dug out and scandalized to high heaven, they will tell the world how many pair of sandals you wore throughout your primary and secondary school days.  Your wife first lover before you met her must be told to all, even the yahooboy your daughter is dating. All in the bid to intimidate you to drop your ambition. So if there is any skeleton in your cupboard, clear it out and tell its ghost to remain permanently death or else, you know whats up.
Our politicians can make empty promises during campaign and heartlessly deny all when in office. Incredible! But that is how we play the game in this part of the world. They call it Democracy but we were taught by Baba Fela of blessed memory that , it is Crazydemo-Demonstration of craze, Crazy demonstration.

The use of other people's children as thugs where they will die casually in their numbers is one painful thing in this game. And to those "other people's children" who are ready to be used as thugs, remember "soja go soja come" when you are killed in his first term bid, in his second term another unfortunate "other people's children" will be used, okay? So get stupid, collect the money and buy the cars, help in scaring and intimidating opponents, but know for sure that you have sold your birthright likewise your destiny.

The most dreadful part is when our politicians get to the office and meet empty or looted Treasury (according to them) then the complaints begin, start looking for scapegoat,(past government can't escape blame). They wont even see a dime to rehabilitate one road much less construct a new  one. The tales of woes and hunger never ends, but we will read his achievements in the newspapers and watch it on TV too.

The allocation is never enough to fix the Minimum wage or pay students' bursary. But the First Lady must have a project to take care of our "lazy" youths, if not for anything but at least teach them how to wash their hands before eating to avoid germs. What a laudable project our dear First Lady! Ride on Ma! After all some of our past First Ladies used to employ Special Advisers from New York and London just to come help them  to name a pet project. This is Nigeria.

Nigerians relax please, after all, its not a new thing. When all the pandemonium which follow electoral process are over,  mandates will be restored at the Tribunals and some will be confiscated. Some will go home sad with their wives stalking at their heels feeling like, 'so I miss that First Lady name and -all the trips attached to it, with all the endless fasting and prayers and washing of head?' Nne, man proposes....enh? The husband would be like, "so that Baba at Ijebu lied to me, after all I soiled my hands with?" Sorry sir, there was a stronger Baba on your opponent's side.

This game could be played with equity and tranquility if we so wish or care but in Nigeria most thing are not done with fairness nor transparency some politicians wouldn't mind using Boko Haram terrorists as their bodyguards so what are we talking about. Violence is part of this game.
All I am saying is, mothers, advice your children. And wives, talk to your husbands. Some of the politicians you see around have their wives and children already outside the country.  They will surely return when the election turns in their favour, and will start shopping pepper and pomo at Shoprite with Tax payers' money so be wise.
Let us play this game together, with our PVC something can be achieved.
God punish any demon who will not let our votes count.

