Evans had it up hos sleeves at  court yesterday, whenever  he comes out of his nightmarish situation, his next point of call might be Nollywood where his other talent in acting will be very useful.  That is if the Baba has a total reform.He could have been awarded an Oscar yesterday if his performance yesterday at Igbosere was at a theater and not a court.
Image result for Court case with Evans-the kidnapper

He refused to leave the Black-maria until the Judge came to order him out. And the warder reported that similar act took place at the Prisons-he had refused to enter the vehicle until he was bundled into it.
His reasons, he dreamt  of being sentenced to death. He complained of low quality food, maltreatment and everything under the sun. the sleeping condition was poor, infects, he needs under prison preferable Ikoyi Prisons where big fish like him are kept.
But our very important and Caleb kidnapper has forgotten that power has changed hand. The fact that he was used to living  in huge mansion and 5Star Hotels and sleeping with many fancy girls and eating  world class delicacies does not mean that Nigeria Prisons would change their state-quo because of him.He should better start getting used to that fact.
For  his request for a different prison? Hmmmmm, something is fishing about that request, Nigeria prison should watch it, we dont want to hear: "Evans has escapes from prison"

