Robbers go gaga in Dopemu-Lagos

 Last weekend , the residents of  Oniwaya Road, Bode Thobun, Number 1. Bus/Stop and its environs, were trying to tidy up the day's activities and retire to their beds when they heard s  gun shots in the air repeatedly and everyone scampered to different directions for safety. Was it the police, Amy, Mopol,? Someone thought it was fire- works.
Fire works in March ? No no no no!!! Its was armed robbers going gaga.
Image result for Shotgun

The cry of ,"Help!!! help!!! Help!" , brought people back to the main road where they found a young man - a commercial motorcyclist, lying in a pool of his own blood, thank God, he was still alive, twisting in pains but could talk.
Then he narrated how he landed in that position and condition.

According to the cyclist, he carried two men from Dopemu Bus/stop, when they told him they were going to  Oniwaya junction but when they got to Bode Thobun  junction opposite  Anwa-rul Islam College, they told him to branch Bode Thobun which he refused,  so they brought out their guns and fired in the air repeatedly to scare him or everyone who might want to come for his help but he m knew their goal was to take the bike so he held onto the bike with all his heart which earned him hot bullets in his right thigh.
They fled with the stolen bike through Bode Thorbun street  via  Adesokan to Balogun  Ilawe street daring the residents to pursue them, according to an eyewitness.
A police officer in mufti- though not in Dopemu Division, stopped a tricycle, who took the wounded man to the Police Station to get police report before  taking him to the hospital.
"The police in Dopemu Division and Area G Command have woken up to upgrade  the security in the area to avoid  another occurrence, even SARS  is involved", says a police officer in Dopemu Division who wants to remain anonymous .
Cool, or what do you think?
