This is what being a crime burster is all about; what many police officers would considered as " one of those things" is seen at a different angle with Abba kyari. If others and some prominent people have taken the misused of their names and pictures on the internet as a child's play, Abba kyari does not consider the messing up of a name and reputation he has been building over the years in his career as a joke.
That was why he went after the fraudster who try to used his picture and name on a Facebook account for fraudulence purpose. And he got the disgusting fool who sang like a bird telling the story of his miserable life as a fraudster...
Here is the story as the Assistant Commissioner of Poliec posted it on Facebook:
Hi Friends! Glory be to GOD Almighty.
You remember Last week I alerted you friends about Someone who had opened a Facebook Page with my Picture and name to Defraud Innocent Nigerians. After Serious Follow up, We arrested the Notorious Fraudster 3am today in Asaba Delta State.
The Suspect/Culprit is Henry Ushie. A 27 year old Native of Bekwara LGA Cross River State. He Confessed that for the past 3yrs he has been Posing on Facebook as DIGs, AIGs, CPs, Ministers, SGF, MD Of Companies and lastly my humble self.
He Claims he will get Jobs, Postings and UN Peace Keeping Work for his Victim's who felt they were Communicating with the Prominent Citizens whose pictures are usually displayed. Suspect also Confessed he was Arrested in 2015 for the same Crime and was Subsequently Charged to Court where he was Granted bail and he continued Committing same Crime without remorse.
The Phone and Sim cards plus the ATM Card of the Account he uses in defrauding innocent Citizens were recovered from him.
He said when he Saw my Post about him on Facebook and people’s comments on the post, he Quickly Googled to Read about my Profile/Records and Since then he’s been having Sleepless Night.
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