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The Sokoto State Government has earmarked over N751m for the ongoing Ramadan and the forthcoming Eid el-Fitr celebrations.

Specifically, the government said the money would be used to buy food for orphans and other needy persons.

The state Commissioner for Religious Affairs, Maishinko Katami, who disclosed this, stated that the packages, in three categories, were aimed at assisting the beneficiaries to fast and celebrate Sallah with ease.

He said, “The state government, under the first category, earmarked N300m for the operations of the 311 Ramadan feeding centres across the Sokoto metropolis.

“110 out of the 311 are major centres which have been provided with cooks, food items, oranges and other condiments, to prepare food for the needy to break their fast.

“We have also created a centre dedicated for the diabetics at the Specialist Hospital, Sokoto, to enable them break their fast according to doctors’ directives.”

For the second category, he said N235m was earmarked for the procurement of 12,500 bags of assorted grains, including rice, millet, maize and guinea corn.

The commissioner said, “These will be distributed to districts and village heads, their secretaries, imams of Friday prayer mosques, orphans, clerics and Islamic organisations, among others.”

Under the third category, N216m was earmarked for the state ‘Zakkat’ and Endowment Commission to purchase food items and clothing materials as donations to 18, 200 orphans and other needy persons.

“All these gestures are aimed at further alleviating the suffering of the beneficiaries as well as make them have a sense of belonging during the forthcoming Sallah festivities,” he said.

