Image result for Dr Ivy UmanaImage result for Dr Ivy UmanaImage result for Dr Ivy UmanaTheSuspect
Its beginning to look as if killing of humans beings as come to be very in our society today, though some people kill unintentionally but there is something called, "malicious killing" and the perpetrators of such must be brought to book no matter how long it takes.
It is reported that Unana ceased to be in this world tyoday because she trusted people she called friends, who ended up as dreadful enemies. The story surrounding the murder of a Pathologist with the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, late Dr. Ivy Umana is a very clear one that someone she trusted betrayed her. Yes she was betrayed.

Information at my disposal has it that late Dr. Ivy Umana asked her colleague, Dr. Festus Abasiubong who is working in the same Teaching Hospital at the Psychiatric Department to look for people to work for her. A shabby work was done for her which she didn't accept it. According to report, people called her phone for severally hours, two out of the three lines she had were swift off while the Glo line was ringing repeatedly but she didn't pick or responded to text messages sent to her. It was then that her colleague, Dr. Festus Abasiubong reported to her brother and forwarded a text from her that "Dr. Bayo has killed her".

While effort to find her where about was in top gear, one of her colleagues approached her house but saw one of the guys he engaged with her flat screen TV trying to lock her gate. When the colleague now asked him the whereabout of Dr. Ivy Umana, he responded that he saw her entering a black Sienna vehicle with some people. When she asked him what he is doing with the flat screen, he said that the owner asked him to go and repair the TV.

The case was reported at Shelter Afrique Police Station and Dr. Abasiubong was asked to produced the man that went out with the flat screen TV. The guy was detained at the station. What shocked me is that the deceased bunch of keys, ATM card and car key were discovered at the Police Station but there is no record in Police file who brought the deceased particulars.
When the brother who reported the case to the Police and DSS thinking it is a case of kidnapping accompanied the Police to the house of her sister, when the door was opened, behold Dr. Ivy Umana was lying lifeless in her pool of blood with a deep cut on her head. She was evacuated to the morgue.
Meanwhile, Dr. Festus Abasiubong has already secured the release of the accused, Henry Silas. The accused, Henry Silas has earlier confessed that he killed Dr. Ivy Umana saying that they had misunderstanding in payment for the job he did and in the process she slapped him, while he picked an iron and hit her which fell down. But the accused later make a U turn that he has no idea who killed Dr. Ivy Umana. He is standing trial in court for the murdered of Dr. Ivy Umana.
Another development emerged that Dr. Festus Abasiubong came up with another text message which the deceased sent to him to pay the accused N20,000. All these pointed to a conspiracy surrounding the dead of Dr. Ivy Umana. While the case has been adjourned till 10 May, 2017 the accused was remanded in prison custody.
In an interview with the Akwa Ibom State Attorney General, Barr. Uwem Nwoko who was present in court to witness the proceeding said that with the evidence before the court, justice will be given to the deceased.
We are following the case slowly and will give the public updates.
