Iran replies Trump’s warning, says US ‘sponsoring’ terrorists

Iran replies Trump's warning, says US 'sponsoring' terrorists
Few hours after US President Donald Trump accused Iran of funding and supporting militant groups, Tehran has replied, alleging that America sells arms to “dangerous terrorists” in the Middle East.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry also accused America of spreading “Iranophobia” aimed at encouraging Arab states to purchase arms.

“Once again, by his repetitive and baseless claims about Iran, the American president … tried to encourage the countries of the region to purchase more arms by spreading Iranophobia,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said, a day after U.S.

Trump while addressing the Arab Islamic American Summit, told Arab and Islamic leaders on Sunday to unite and make sure they drive out Islamist extremist from the Middle East.
Trump asked Arab leaders to do their share to defeat Islamist extremists, while making an impassioned plea to “drive out” terrorists, toning down his own harsh rhetoric about Muslims.
He however, pointed accusing fingers at Iran for funding and support for militant groups sending a tough message to Tehran the day after Hassan Rouhani won a second term as Iran’s president.
“Terrorism has spread all across the world. But the path to peace begins right here, on this ancient soil, in this sacred land,” Trump told leaders from about 50 Muslim-majority countries representing more than a billion people.

