FRSC Explains Delay In Issuance Of Driver’s Licence

The FRSC in Kaduna State says  driver’s  licence ought to be ready within 60 days of submission of application.
The Sector Commander in the state, Mr Frances Udoma, however, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that  factors  like double application, misinformation and renewal while existing one had not expired may cause a delay.
Udoma made the clarification in Kaduna  while reacting to complaints from members of the public on the difficulties and delays in obtaining drivers licence
He said: “Once a driver’s information is captured, it is uploaded in FRSC data base at the headquarters in Abuja  where a computer will process them.
“Now what happens is, if the computer detects  multiple applications by an individual, it will automatically turn the application down.
“Another problem is misinformation. When for example you have facial mark and did not indicate while filling the form, if the computer detects  it, it will turn your application down.
“Also, if your licence has not expired and you are captured again, either because you lost it or otherwise, the computer would detect  it as double application and would turn it down.
“When any of these happens, the computer would not give feedback, because your data is not in the data base.
“The only feedback you get is when your licence is ready, the computer would notify you via text message to go and pick up your licence,” he said.
The sector commander  advised all drivers that  applied for licence and were captured for more than two months, but did not receive text messages,  to visit any nearest licence centre for collection.
He said there were more than 3,671 unclaimed driver’s  licence  in Kaduna centre alone.
“This could be either because the owner’s number is not reachable or  some changed their phone numbers while others could be dead,” he added.
On fake driver’s licence, Udoma said drivers could check the status of their licence through text message by sending NDL space STATUS space licence number to 33811.
Some of the drivers had told NAN that they passed through a lot of difficulties in getting a driver’s licence.
One of them, Sa’adatu Musa , said it took her more than four months, from registering with a driving school to  obtaining  driving certificate and other processes,  before she was captured.
Musa, however, said that she had yet to receive her driver’s  licence,  adding that the temporary one issued to her in November 2016 had since expired.
Another driver, Mr Luka William,  said after going through the processes of obtaining the driving certificate, he had yet to get clearance from KASTELEA.
“Without clearance from KASTELEA, I will not be captured for the licence,” William said. (NAN)

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