Breaking News: Major Crisis In Kaduna Over Demolition Of Green Apple‎ Structure

There was a serious pandemonium and confusion in Kaduna and it’s environs this morning following the demolition and destruction of Green Apple structure belonging to former Minister of Environment Laurentia Malam with properties worth hundreds of millions of naira.
Heavily armed boys suspected to be thugs ‎allegedly from Rigasa in Kaduna North local government area of Kaduna state were said to have stormed the property loaded in over 10 buses with dangerous weapons  and perpetrated the mehelm which almost took religious colouration.
In the meantime, the news which went round Kaduna State like wild fire has created serious tension with several people giving it religious meaning in view of the fact that the suspected armed thugs were said to have come from a Muslim dominated area of the state.
Eye witnesses confirmed that some police men in uniform accompanied the thugs who perpetrated the attack on the building which runs as an hotel and recreational facilities over a dispute over the legitimate owner of the said property.
Although angry youths stormed the scene of the demolition, police men from the metropolitan promptly stormed the scene to calm the situation.
Details shortly…   Leadership Newspaper
