Ritualist Turns To Tricycle After Attempt To Use Little Boy Failed

A man has allegedly turned into a tricycle (Keke Napep) in the Pedro area of Shomolu, Lagos state, after being forced to pick up a key which he dropped on the road. According to a social media user who shared the unbelievable story, the man had accosted a
young boy and had asked him to pick up the key which he (the man) threw on the floor, but the boy refused.
The man was said to have insisted but the boy refused picking the key up. This got the attention of the people and the man was said to have told everyone who cared to listen that the boy was being disrespectful. But the crowd forced the man to pick his key up by himself and the unexpected happened. This is a real life incident and anyone in doubt can go to the Pedro police station to ascertain the authenticity of this post. When the man’s wife was called to the station, she said her husband comes home everyday with a brand new tricycle and gives it to people on hire purchase and she didn’t know where he got them from. 

The Summary
