lifeless body of the girl was discovered at about 5p.m. on Tuesday, June
21, by her employer who had come to find out why the shop had not been
opened for business all day, after many of his customers and fellow
traders called him, only to discover her lifeless body. A resident of
the community and an eyewitness to the sordid sight, Efemena Omokaro,
narrated that the lifeless body of the victim was discovered naked and
mutilated inside the inner room of the shop.
“From what we saw on the corpse, she was attacked and killed in the morning by someone close to her. Another resident said: "Everyone is suspecting the victim's boyfriend because some days ago, it was gathered from her friends that they had a very bitter quarrel and she told him the relationship was over. The man was heard saying she would not live to date another man. Now he is no where to be found."
“From what we saw on the corpse, she was attacked and killed in the morning by someone close to her. Another resident said: "Everyone is suspecting the victim's boyfriend because some days ago, it was gathered from her friends that they had a very bitter quarrel and she told him the relationship was over. The man was heard saying she would not live to date another man. Now he is no where to be found."
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