The official, Veri, told newsmen that search for the missing persons has resumed involving hundreds of rescuers.
“The focus of the operation today is to find the corpses and search for other affected persons.
“An assessment of the impact of the floods and landslides is currently underway,’’ he said.
The agency has earlier said that 14 people were severely wounded and hundreds of houses badly damaged.
The spokesman of the agency, Sutopo Nugroho, has said the districts of Purworejo, Banjarnegara and Kebumen are the hardest-hit areas, and most of the casualties came from there.
“Sixteen districts and cities have been affected by the disasters since Saturday after hours of heavy downpours.
“Landslides have also blocked roads that hampered access to the disaster-affected-areas,’’ Nugroho added.
Report says Indonesia is frequently hit by floods and landslides during heavy downpours.
“The focus of the operation today is to find the corpses and search for other affected persons.
“An assessment of the impact of the floods and landslides is currently underway,’’ he said.
The agency has earlier said that 14 people were severely wounded and hundreds of houses badly damaged.
The spokesman of the agency, Sutopo Nugroho, has said the districts of Purworejo, Banjarnegara and Kebumen are the hardest-hit areas, and most of the casualties came from there.
“Sixteen districts and cities have been affected by the disasters since Saturday after hours of heavy downpours.
“Landslides have also blocked roads that hampered access to the disaster-affected-areas,’’ Nugroho added.
Report says Indonesia is frequently hit by floods and landslides during heavy downpours.
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