Lagos thieves get desperate as Inflation hits harder...

The Economy Melt Down harasses every sector, the |"crime" sector is not left out, the criminals are complaining too especially the small scale criminals whop specialized in picking pockets and breaking into people's home and shops. It would have profitable for this set of people to go look for a decent means of livelihood but they are already used to living as parasites.
  How do they survive this hardship? Some don't even have enough now to spare a thief . So what do they do now that A  hundred Naira -N100.00 cannot buy a loaf of bread ?  "Man must wag" says the thief  as they get desperate, furious, and daring.

 Vera Crimes gathered that last in Dopemu- Agege  Area of Lagos state, three shops wee broken into on three separate nights: On  a Tuesday night  a Hairdressing shop was broken into and the following night a Pharmacy shop was burgled, about One hundred and something thousand was stolen, and the thieve didn't call it a day until they broke into an Egg shop on the same road on the Saturday night of the same week. And guess what not even an egg was found in the shop, so they messed up the shop with urine and other humans waste.
It was also reported that prior to the happenings of penultimate week, a Cold Room known for bulk sales of  Frozen Food was burgled and the thieves got angry and brought out all the cartons of frozen chicken, turkey and fish from the Freezer and to let them on the floor so that they could get defroze and spoil. The police in Dopemu boost up their Patrol Team but time will tell.

VC Daily Reports
