Speeding with motor vehicles is not an offence. Many will wonder whether I know what I am "talking' about? Yes I know what I am talking about. Speeding has never been an offence. Speeding simply means, moving with speed. Motor vehicles have been so made to take us or our goods from one destination to another faster than our legs, animals and carts could have taken us.
This means that motor vehicles are designed for speed. Any vehicle designed for speeding which does not fulfil it's purpose is not a motor vehicle. If motor vehicles are for speeding, why should it become an offence for using them for the purpose they were made?
What constitutes an offence is driving the motor vehicle carelessly and in total disregard for other road users, as to endanger the lives and properties of these other road users. Therefore, any person who drives a motor vehicle recklessly or negligently, in a manner which is dangerous to the public or other road users, would have run foul of the law.
This explains why a person driving a motor vehicle at 30 kilometres per hour but in a dangerous and reckless manner will be guilty of a traffic offence, while another cruising at 80 kilometres per hour may not have committed any offence.
What constitutes dangerous driving is not just in the speed at which you are driving, but your inability to consider that the manner and/or speed at which you are driving the motor vehicle is so reckless that it puts to danger other road users and members of the public.
So, where there is a speed limit sign, exceeding that speed limit will definitely be in total disregard to other road users. Exceeding such speed limit is both reckless, careless, and dangerous and is punishable under the law. That is why highways, feeder roads, densely populated areas, etc, have their expected speed limits, in line with the circumstances for which the road is used and regards had to the human traffic on the respective roads.
As you you drive, always remember that you are not the only road user; read and observe road signs, and that there are many other road users besides you with more challenges than you in using the road, whose lives may be cut short by your reckless and careless use of the road.
So, drive safely and responsibly too.
If you are driving and reading this, you are a Road Safety APPROVED reckless and dangerous driver! PARK WELL, Nnamdi Ikeh-Akabogu and his men are coming for you!
Bro Chuks Ubani
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