How Nigeria, Benin Killed 11 Most Wanted Criminals – CP


Lagos State commissioner of police, Mr Fatai Owoseni has narrated how Nigeria security agencies teamed up with their counterparts in Republic of Benin to wage war against most wanted armed robbers in both countries, killing 11 of them.
While speaking to journalists at the conference hall of the police command headquarters, Ikeja, yesterday, Owoseni said the leader of the most wanted criminals,  Toekiwe Joseph a.k.a T. K was among the 11 casualties. Three of the corpses , including T.K were among that was seen in the patrol vehicle yesterday at the command headquarters, Ikeja.
H e said the security forces which include, Nigeria Police Force, Nigerian Customs Service, military men attached to OP MENSA  and the Republic of Benin counterparts recovered 22 dynamites and  other explosive devices,  two general purpose machine guns,   6 AK- 47 rifles, 3, 678 assorted life ammunition used for the general purpose machine guns,  37 loaded magazines, 8 life jackets, one military jacket, three gun boats, one with the inscription Castina on it.
He said some Jerry cans were also recovered from the bandits which they used in moving to their targets and going back to their hideouts in the creek water.
Owoseni said the gang members numbering 17 were March 16, 2016 advancing across Seme area around where they wanted to operate in a bank. He said they hoodlums were firing sporadically as they advanced but were confronted by the Nigeria and Republic of Benin security men.
He said Toekiwe Joseph a.k.a T.K could be likened to a Field mashal or general in the crime world as he used different gangs to rob banks, engage in kidnapping, trans- border banditry, cultism among others.
The police commissioner said T. K led a gang that hijacked a vessel in Nigeria. He said the gang leader recruited about 200 members in different field of criminalities that unleash mayhem to innocent citizens.
