Policeman loses sight while fighting crime

 Retired Senior  Inspector Sylvanus   Okon,
 . …Appeals for assistance
 By Esther Onyegbula 

When retired Senior Inspector Sylvanus Okon, 58, who hails from Akpabuyo in Cross River State, joined the Nigeria Police Force as a Recruit Constable in August 1978, he had the mind to serve his fatherland with all his might, love and strength. And so it was as he moved headlong into the job of serving his country with all his being. He was determined to flush out any ill in the society by whatever name no matter the personality involved.

For those who knew Sylvanus during his active years in the Nigeria Police Force, he was an officer to behold. Retired Senior Inspector Sylvanus Okon, Retired Senior Inspector Sylvanus Okon, With the right height and weight, he boasted of a physique any officer would die for, and that was one of the qualities that scared the criminals and made him stood out among other officers.
 He achieved a lot gallantly during his service years. Okon was still serving his country with high hopes but in 2010 something happened to this gallant officer that stopped his dream of finishing strong. Losing sight Narrating how he lost his sight, he said: “It all started one fateful day in 2010 on the line of duty. Something I thought was an insect flown into one of my eyes. I quickly used the back of my hands to clean my eyes, hoping it was something I could clear easily, but to my utmost surprise, the affected eye began to itched. I was very disturbed and uncomfortable throughout my stay at work that very day. So I had to go to the hospital first before I got home. I started receiving treatment from the hospital but instead of my problem to get the anticipated solution in the hospital, my condition became worse as my other eye was equally affected. By this time, I could not even see again. It was clinically proven that I had lost my sight completely and the next move was to travel abroad for treatment as recommended by the doctor who was in charge of my treatment then. But there was no money for me to make that journey. 
So I continued with my job in that condition. “I reported the case of blindness to the police medicals but I was told to search for the money myself and go for the eye treatment then bring my claims back for refund. I could not raise the money for the treatment despite my appeal to many sources for support. I continued to work in that blind state until I completed the 35 years of my service in August 2013. “My predicament is the fact that I am not resting even with this condition because my eyes hurt badly. I have visited several hospitals too but the pains did not abate and the doctors keep assuring me that I can see again if I can afford to travel to India for surgery. But that journey will require nothing less than six million naira (N6,000,000.00). So I hereby appeal to the Federal Government of Nigeria, the Lagos State Government, the Cross River State Government, the Akwa Ibom State Government, good-spirited Nigerians out there and any individual who is touched by God, to come to my aid. I am still strong and healthy,
 I love my country and would like to contribute my own quota to her development, but the only impediment is my eyesight. Please Nigerians I need your help.”

 If you want to give a helping hand to Sylvanus Okon, the account number is 0026655176; Access Bank. Account Name: Okon Sylvanus Etim. Or call: 08033214457, 08028088998.  

