I want to say happy New Year to you all for being there, without you there would have been no me; I’m here because you are there. I want say to happy New Year to every crime reporter out there; you have come a far la la la la la la la la la la la la la long way in crime fighting. And I say may the Lord God guide and protect you always and empower you with the courage you need to fight crime by exposing crime with your insightful and investigative reports. I thank and appreciate God for your lives though we lost more than a hundred journalists in 2015, I thank the Almighty God for keeping you and I pray that the souls of our departed colleagues find rest in His bosom.

For all the viewers to this Blog; I say I love you and may God bless you for your love and kindness. 2015 was a great year but this year holds better promises for us and I promise you a good update on this website this year, never to allow any “miss news” no matter what it takes.
We are set to fight crime this year with everything that is within us. In 2015 here in Nigeria, kidnappers had a “filled year” in the southeast kidnapping anything within their reach for ransom, for rituals, politics and for every outrageous reason under the sun. In Lagos and its environs, Rape (especially of minors) topped the Crime Chart and the reporters keep asking this question; “why is the rape of minors on the increase?”. Its on record that a girl below the age of 10 is rape everyday day in Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Oshun, Kogi, etc.  And I ask; “How many rapists have been sent to jail so far?”. The Crime will continue to thrive unless parents of the innocent victims stop settling the cases out of Court as they are doing at the moment. When people go to prisons because they lack self-control, they will learn Self Control.

 Bank robbers shook Lagos state in 2015 especially when they made the Water Way their escape-route. Such unfortunate incident occurred three times last year in Lekki, Ikorodu and Festac Town respectively with the robbers escaping unscathed in style through the water path with bagful of their loots. They  left behind perplexed residents, many casualties, broken Bank’s Safes, money scattering on the streets (just like the movies), scampering and confused security officers who traded blames forever and swore the robbers’  weapons were more superior and sophisticated, hmmmmmmm! But did the high sounding criminals escape nemesis?No no no no!!! They were caught in one way or the other in different cities of Nigeria, in a more novelty that surpassed all the dramas in their operations. Yes, caught by the officers of the Nigeria Police Force. Wow ooo!

The Yahoo-Yahoo-boys- (Internet fraudsters) did not take the least either, they too wanted to top the list as they took their vocation to every Cyber Cafe in Town. Gone are the days that the yahoo-yahoo boys try to hide themselves and transact business with their laptop alone, now they are everywhere. According to one of them who spoke carelessly with our reporter at a Business Center: “See, this business is very normal now and the whole thing is all about patience, just have enough patience, when it is time mugu will fall, mugu na mugu. If you are dealing with a woman, start by building friendship, love, gradually. But if your catch is a man, all you have to do is to build trust. See, this thing no de hide again, we de discuss am now openly like better government work”. They call it unemployment but I call it a crime that needs to be stopped. The EFCC is the answer to the jobless big-boys who roll in the best of SUVs round our cities and I think I am right.

Many were still being caught at our Airports and other borders with hard drugs as if it was the end of the world, they disguised it in every disgusting manner possible, it was still detected but many more were caught the next day. Pushing hard drugs has become a game of “Do or Die”. The Dare devil terrorists were still in control in some northern parts of the country making Borno state their provincial headquarters. With our Chibok’s girls still missing, and many more following suite, you will agree that terrorism has gone beyond criminality, its demonic, its evil and our dear President had set a December 2015 dateline for them and I hope we will never hear from them again and that will be the news.
 Welcome to 2016, all you hired killers, pickpockets, phone thieves, bag-snatchers, burglars, shoplifters, muggers, thugs, every expert and amateurs in the crime!  Thank God you were not caught last year so you have this year to right your wrongs and go to Jesus and repent from your sins or we have promised to report everything reportable this time around and you might not be lucky enough to escape jail or the hangman  this year, change.
I love you all and I hope to God you adopt the real CHANGE.  HAPPY NEW YEAR AGAIN!!!!!!! 
