Confusion as OAU lecturer dies in office


There was panic at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State on Wednes­day following the mysterious death of a lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pro­fessor Solomon Olugbemi Ogunniyi.
The late Ogunniyi, Saturday Sun gath­ered, died in his office on Wednesday.
We also gathered that the father of two was in his office on Wednesday longer than usual and did not come out until some of his colleagues decided to check him.
They knocked his office door several times, but the deceased neither respond­ed nor opened the door, they and other students forced the door open and found him sitting lifeless on his chair.
He was later confirmed dead at the Obafemi Awolowo Teaching Hospital (OAUTHC) where he was later rushed to.
The news of the mysterious de­mise of the don immediately spread through the university community as some students and lecturers were seen dis­cussing the in­cident in low tones. Oginniyi was a two-term pro­vost, College of Health Sci­ences, but his tenures ended on July 31, 2013.
A student who expressed sadness at the sudden death of the professor and preferred anonymity said he might have died of accumulated.
