Hello World! Welcome to Vera Crimes Blog! I might not hate criminals as you do because I believe in  Second Chance, but I hate their activities with the whole of my being. So I have decided to use this medium to report all their strange, dubious, and heinous activities to you. I promise I wont let any of their activities pass you by. When they strike, when they are on the run, when they are caught, tried and persecute and bruised or send to the dungeon , I will surely keep you informed.

 My camera don't care about criminals or godfathers of criminals, my camera care not about the feelings of the big fat crook or the tiny small thief, the pickpockets or the Bank breaker, THIEF NA THIEF( a saying of my people).  If you are caught dipping your hand in your wife's pot of soup, hehehe! you are in soup. If you are caught dipping hand in your husband's trousers pockets, hahaha! You are in real soup, in fact, Okro soup. Please don't let my camera catch you and don't just dare, okay?

I should  have kept my mouth short and mind my business after all  crimes did not start today, it started at the Garden of Eve, if those ones did not commit crime they wouldn't hide from God when He called on them. Hey hey hey!!! Don't rush to your Bible now, okay? I know she was deceived by the serpent and all of that but by the way that's how the guy-the serpent I mean is still doing it: still deceiving those you wants to be deceive and i heard he is planing to carry out his own judgement on criminals when God is through with them, that is he plans to as them some pointed question as it concerns their hobby-crime and exactly when and how  he deceived. One day na one day monkey go go market and e-no go return.(saying of my people).

Well, in a nut shell the best way to fight crime is to expose it, so lets share our thoughts as we fight crime together on this blog. WELCOME once again!

Yours sincerely : VERA WINNS.

